Sector Skills Alliances aim at tackling skills gaps with regard to one or more occupational profiles in a specific sector. They do so by identifying existing or emerging sector-specific labour market needs (demand side), and by enhancing the responsiveness of initial and continuing vocational education and training (VET) systems, at all levels, to the labor market needs (supply-side).
Length of the projects: 2 to 4 years
Maximum grant award:
Lot 1: 700 000 € for 2 years and 1 000 000 € for 3 years
Lot 2: 4 000 000 € for 4 years
For more information please check here

Project Title: EuropeaN curriculum for fAmily aNd Community nursE (ENHANCE)
Project Summary:
The main scope of ENhANCE Project (European Curriculum for Family and Community Nurses) is to target a specific existing mismatch between the skills currently offered by nurses working in Primary Health Care (PHC) and those actually demanded by both public health care institutions and private service providers when applying innovative healthcare models centered on PHC
Project Coordinator: Instituto per le Technlogie Didattiche (ITD) (coordinator Assistant Professor Christos Kleisiaris – Nursing Department)

Project Title: GSS–VET (Geothermal and Solar skills – Vocational education and training)
Project Summary:
The EU’s strategy for sustainable growth, “Europe 2020”, puts green growth at the heart of its blueprint for competitiveness. The “EU Resource efficiency Roadmap” and the “Waste Framework Directive” summarize the need for the EU to re-create a competitive economy based on a sustainable social model. The necessity of creating employment and economic growth through preserving the environmental conditions and ensuring a sustainable future for the EU citizens can boost the economy and create jobs. It is therefore clear that the demand for renewable energy technologies in the construction sector is driven by environmental awareness, regulation, and policy. However, training providers have not yet caught up with these new skills demand, creating an important skills gap in the current labor market.
Green skills and environmental awareness in vocational education and training, state that most learning providers do not yet include green skills in their learning strategy.
GSS–VET (Geothermal and Solar skills – Vocational education and training) project aims to design and deliver a demand-driven Vocational and education training in the response of the targets set up by the EU Directive 2010/31/EU on the Energy Performance Buildings: all new buildings by 2020 to be nearly zero-energy buildings
Project Duration: August 2020
Project Coordinator:
Hellenic Mediterranean University (coordinator Assistant Professor Manolis Karapidakis, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering)