Introduction to Plasma Engineering – Electronic Engineering courses
About this course
Expected learning outcomes
- The course introduces the students to the fundamental of plasma and the applications of plasma technology.
After completing the course, the student will be able to: - understand the plasma phase of the matter, the unique properties it has and the different types of plasmas.
- calculate/evaluate basic plasma parameters
- mention the different formulations of plasma description and where could be applied
- recognize the different type of waves that could develop/propagate in plasmas and their properties
- have knowledge of the different technologies of plasma sources and their properties
- describe various plasma applications and choose the proper plasma sources
- use proper diagnostics for plasma sources characterization
- mention and describe the various type of dense plasma generators and their applications.
Indicative Syllabus
- Introduction to plasma: definitions, properties, Debye shielding, temperatures- densities, types of plasmas, plasma frequency.
- Plasma descriptions: particle motion, kinetic description, two-fluid description, magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) description, ideal-MHD, plasma conductivity.
- Waves in plasma: waves in non-magnetized plasma, phase velocity, refractive index, critical density. Waves in magnetized plasma, cutoff-resonance, MHD waves.
- Plasma sources: electric discharge tubes, plasma torch, corona discharge, Dielectric Barrier discharge, RF discharge, Microwave discharge. Electron beam plasmas. Laser plasmas.
- Plasma applications: Material processing, nanolithography, plasma antennas, plasma monitor, plasma thrusters, spectroscopy, sterilization,
- Plasma diagnostics: diagnostics of magnetic field, current, particle flow, refractive index, spectroscopy. Diagnostics with X-rays, ion beam.
- Dense plasma & applications: pulsed power plasma devices. Z-pinch, plasma instabilities, X-pinch & other pinch configurations, Dense Plasma Focus, Tokamak, Stellarator. high photon energy sources, particle acceleration, fusion energy.
Teaching / Learning Methodology
Weekly Lectures 2hr/week
Recommended Reading
Basic knowledge of electromagnetism and optics (Lorentz force, e/m waves formalism, Maxwell equations, dielectric\magnetic constant, refractive index, refraction, etc.)
Start Date
End Date
Local Course Code
Year of study
Study Load
Mode of delivery
Written exams 60%, class contribution 20%, short project presentation 20%.
Dr. Ioannis Fitilis
Course coordinator
Dr. Ioannis Fitilis