Destination Branding

About this course

This course provides students with a comprehensive review of the main issues and concepts related to destination branding. The course analyzes in theoretical and practical terms the factors that contribute to the competiveness of tourist destinations by placing emphasis on the development of a unique destination brand. The course examines the principles and practices of destination branding, exploring the importance of destination brands. It considers brand management, positioning and various branding models within the tourism and destination context, further exploring issues of brand identity, brand image, brand personality, brand loyalty, brand equity, and brand awareness. It introduces students to the principles and practices of marketing communications and the variety of communication tools available to promote a destination brand. It examines the role of media in the communication of a destination brand (traditional media and digital communication media). It examines the process of planning and executing an integrated destination brand promotion campaign. It examines the role of the various stakeholders involved in destination branding, including destination management organizations (DMOs) and local authorities. It considers the range of approaches to destination branding within the global tourism industry context through a range of case-studies.

Expected learning outcomes

A student passing this course should be able to:

1. Define the broad concept of destination branding;

2. Understand the need for implementing destination promotion schemes;

3. Evaluate the role of DMOs in destination branding strategy;

4. Critically analyze destination branding material that is produced by a range of destinations;

5. Formulate an original destination branding strategy;

6. Understand the concept of marketing communications;

7. Develop a draft of a destination brand communication campaign and select adequate media in this campaign.

Indicative Syllabus


    Teaching / Learning Methodology

    Independent learning
    Office meetings with the tutor

    Recommended Reading

    Ashworth, G. and Kavaratzis, M. (Eds.) (2010), Towards Effective Place Brand Management. Branding European Cities and Regions. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

    Bayraktar, A. and Uslay, C. (2017), Strategic Place Branding. Methodologies and Theory for Tourist Attraction, Hershey: IGI Global.

    Kolb, B. (2006), Tourism Marketing for Cities and Towns: Using Branding and Events to Attract Tourists, Butterworth-Heinemann.

    Kozak, M and Baloglu, Seyhmus (2011,) Managing and Marketing Tourist Destinations: Strategies to Gain a Competitive Edge, Oxon: Routledge

    Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (Eds.) (2004), Destination Branding. Creating the Unique Destination Proposition (2nd Ed.), Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

    Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R.(Eds.) (2011), Destination Brands. Managing Place Reputation (3rd Ed.), Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

    Pike, S. (2008), Destination Marketing: An Integrated Marketing Communication Approach, Butterworth-Heinemann.

    World Tourism Organization (2007), A Practical Guide to Tourism Destination Management, Madrid: WTO.



    Start Date


    End Date




    Local Course Code




    Year of study




    Study Load

    5 ECTS

    Mode of delivery

    100% Individual Assignment (80% assignment + 20% presentation of the assignment in the class)


    Dr. Nikolaos Trihas

    Course coordinator

    Dr. Nikolaos Trihas