An Introduction to Optoelectronics & Optical Communications

About this course

Optical communications are the dominant means of information transmission in the world. Even though the physical limitations of electrical cable prevent speeds in excess of 10 Gigabits per second, the physical limitations of fiber optics have not yet been reached. Everyday lifeapplications such as broadband internet, cable HD TV, telemedicine, YouTube, online gaming and cloud based services like e-banking, Facebook and Twitter, owe their existence to the vast bandwidth capacity of the currently deployed global optical communication system. Optical communications to address limitations of radio frequency (RF) communications, including: bandwidth, spectrum and overall size of frequency packages and power used. Optical spectrumuses light as a means of transmitting information via lasers.Optical communicationsbenefits include being faster, more secure, lighter and more flexible. The objectives of the course (offered for undergraduate and postgraduate students) are the following:Realise the different technologies involved within the Optical Communication Technologies Understand the operational principles of the various optoelectronic systems are involved in an optical communications networkTo be aware of the new concepts of optical communications in the fields of optical networking and 5G Communications

Expected learning outcomes

The Learning Outcomes of the module ‘An Introduction to Optoelectronics and Optical Communications’ are the following:

  • to be able to understand the concepts of laser operation
  • to be able to understand the concepts of laser pulsed operation
  • to be able to understand the various laser pulses modulation schemes
  • to be able to explain the operation of an optical fiber
  • to be able to calculate the dispersion of a laser pulse within an optical fiber
  • to be able to calculate the various losses within a waveguide
  • to be able to design an optical network system

Indicative Syllabus

    An indicative syllabus of the course follows:

    1.An Introduction to Lasers
    2.The Lorentz Principle
    3.The Einstein Rate Equations
    4.Broadening Mechanisms
    5.The Resonator Principle
    6.Gaussian Optics
    7.The Semiconductor Laser Systems 8.Generation of Laser Pulses 9.Characterization of Laser Pulses
    10.Frequency and Amplitude Modulation of Laser Pulses
    11.The Fiber Optic Concept
    12.The Wave Propagation in vacuum and in waveguides
    13.The EDFA concept
    14.Optoelectronic Devices for Optical Communications
    15.The Dispersion issue within optical fibers –solutions
    16.Wavelength Dispersion Multiplexing 17.Optical Technologies for networking 18.Optical Technologies for Access Network 19.Optical Technologies for 5G Networking 20.Optical Technologies for Data Center Networking

    Teaching / Learning Methodology

    Lectures (online, face to face): Every week three hours
    Seminars: One seminar per two weeks where an external/invited speakers interacts with our students in Optical Communication

    Recommended Reading




    Start Date


    End Date




    Local Course Code




    Year of study




    Study Load

    Lectures: 36 hrs
    Homework/Study Time 108 hrs
    Seminars: 12 hrs
    In total 156 hours 5 ECTS

    Mode of delivery

    Final Test (70% of the overall grade)
    Presentations during the course (30% of the overall grade


    Dr. Kostas Petridis

    Course coordinator

    Dr. Kostas Petridis
