Dear friends and colleagues,
We would like to invite you to participate in our 7th Erasmus Teaching Week that will be hosted by the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) between the 11th and 16th of October 2020. Until now 80 colleagues have been registered. The registration will be open until the end of June.
The “Erasmus Teaching Week” is an international scientific event organized every year, the last week of May, in the School of Applied Sciences of HMU in Chania, Crete. Due to COVID-19 lockdown this year the week has been moved in October. Moreover due to COVID-19 uncertainty regarding traveling, the participants can attend the week face to face and remotely as well.
Each year the Erasmus Weeks’ curricula organized by the HMU are focused on topics related to the Department of Electronic Engineering but at the same time are not included in the standard offered undergraduate program. The 7th Erasmus Week will be focused on the following topics:
- Online Teaching & Learning
- Blended Mobility & Teaching
- Teaching Methods
- Soft Skills Development
- Robotics & Artificial Intelligence
- 5G Communications
- 3D Printing
- IoT
- New Technologies in Electronics
The main objectives of the Erasmus Week are the following:
- To introduce the aforementioned topics to undergraduate & postgraduate students, new graduates and anyone who is interested in these topics
- To disseminate the programs and the facilities of the Department and the HMU in general with an objective the enhancement of the student and staff mobilities to HMU
- To allow the interaction of our students with the invited speakers and present them the options they have along with their Erasmus mobility (KA103 and KA107)
- To facilitate the establishment of new collaborations between the staff members of the Department and our invited speakers
- To operate as a dissemination tool for the collaboration programs (KA2) HMU participates and coordinates
The topics will be presented along the week permit the participation of administrative staff members who would like to have a training or to participate in a special session that is acting as Erasmus Staff Week.
The Erasmus Week schedule-activities includes:
- Lecture / Presentations in parallel sessions
- Option to follow the Week’s Program and contribute remotely
- Laboratory Visits
- Field Visits
- Cultural Activities
The indicative program of the Erasmus Week follows
International Week 2020
Department of Electronic Engineering, 12th – 16th of October 2020
In Zoom: the link will be announced to the registered participants only
Time Slot |
Monday, 12th |
Tuesday, 13th |
Wednesday, 14th |
Thursday, 15th |
Friday, 16th |
10.15 – 11.00 |
Soft Skills for Electronic Engineers by Jonathan Westlake (Staffordshire University, UK) |
MOOCs and beyond: online courses for professional development by |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Engineering by Dr. Pavla Svermova (Technical University Liberec, Czech Republic) |
5G Technology – for teaching by Dr. AJGOU Riadh (Université d ‘El Oued, Algeria) |
Electronic converters for energy storage systems by Dr. Dimitar Arnaudov (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria) |
11.15 – 12.00 |
Team Building & Creativity by Dr. Omar Arabiat (Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan) |
Online Teaching Principles by Dr. R. Sobral (Universidade Portucalens, Portugal) |
Electric Lights: from conventional to solid – state light source by Dr. Arndt Jaeger (University of Esslingen, Germany) |
Webinar in 5G Communications please check here |
Geophysical survey at Wabar MeteoCrater: Recent findings Dr. Pantelis Soupios (King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudia Arabia) |
12.15 – 13.00 |
Critical Thinking by Dr. G. Triantafylou (HMU, Greece) |
Innovations in Teaching & Assesment of Electronic Engineering courses |
Technology of micro-and nano-systems-teaching master students at the Department of Microelectronics by Dr.Mariya Alexandrova (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria) |
Institution Presentations |
Lunch Break |
Lunch Break |
14.15 – 15.00 |
Soft Skills for Online Teaching & Learning by Soft Skills for Online Teaching & Learning by Lauren Vandermeer (EVM, Spain) |
New technologies at the service of education by Michael Bosco (ESAIP, France) |
Best tools for ICT by Jonathan Westlake (Staffordshire University, UK) |
Institution Presentations |
15.15 – 16.00 |
Flipped Classrooms for Activating students in online and blended learning by Dr. Eva Triantafilou (Aalborg University, Denmark) |
Looking at the next day of Teaching Sciences by Dr. Daniel Lewin (Technion, Israel) |
Modelling and Simulations with Python by Juergen Koch (University of Esslingen, Germany) |
Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Model for Nanoscale MOSFET system by Dr.ATIA Abdelmalek (El Oued university, Algeria)
Free Slot |
2nd International Symposium in Electronic Engineering, Information Technology, and Education (EEITE2020) |
16.00 – 21.00 |
Webinar in Mathematics Education |
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Chania, Crete the forthcoming October 2020